If you still have questions, our team is available to assist you. Contact us for additional support.
Support 866-653-NRMP Policy 202-400-2235 Billing 202-400-2238Under the terms and conditions of the NRMP Match Participation Agreement, all matches are binding. If for any reason an applicant or program cannot or will not honor the binding commitment, a waiver must be obtained from the NRMP. Applicants and programs are not authorized to release each other from the binding commitment.
Waivers can be requested for unanticipated serious and extreme hardship, change of specialty, or ineligibility. Please keep the following in mind:
The NRMP also will consider a one-year delayed start of training (‘deferral’) if mutually agreed to by the matched applicant and the program.
Applicants who give notice of resignation, resign, or vacate a position within 45 days of the start date specified in the appointment contract and programs that terminate a matched applicant within 45 days of the start date specified in the appointment contract are presumed to have breached NRMP policy unless evidence is submitted through the waiver process sufficient to show that training was entered into in good faith and the NRMP determines there is a reasonable basis to release the applicant from the binding commitment.
Requests must be submitted on the appropriate Applicant or Program Waiver/Deferral Form
Questions about the waiver process should be directed to (202) 400-2235 or policy@nrmp.org.