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E102180 - CTS 1979 No. 2 The Government of Canada and the Government of Italy have agreed as follows:
The provisions of this Agreement shall apply:
Subject to Article IX (3), a crew member employed by an international air carrier operating in both countries shall be subject to the legislation of the Party where the air carrier has its place of business, unless the crew member resides in the territory of the other Party, in which case he shall be subject to the legislation of that Party.
Notwithstanding Articles V, VI, VII and VIII, the competent authorities may make such arrangements as they may deem necessary in the interests of particular persons or categories of persons, according to the spirit and fundamental principles of this Agreement.
For the purposes of determining eligibility to make voluntary contributions to the general compulsory insurance for disability, old age and survivor’s benefits referred to in Article II (a), Italy, where necessary, shall take into account periods credited under the Canada Pension Plan in the manner set out in Article XI (4) (b) (ii).
When a person has not, on the sole basis of periods of contributions credited under the legislation of Italy, met the requirements stipulated in that legislation for the granting of tuberculosis benefits, periods of contributions credited under the Canada Pension Plan shall also be taken into consideration, up to the amount needed to establish the entitlement. Tuberculosis benefits shall be granted only during the person’s residence in the territory of Italy.
Where, pursuant to the legislation of Italy, a person is entitled to receive an old age, disability or survivor’s benefit while in the territory of either Party, he will be entitled to receive an increase of the benefit or a family allowance with respect to a dependant if the dependant is resident in the territory of either Party and as specified in administrative arrangements.
Any old age, survivor’s or disability benefit, including any benefit payable to a dependant, payable by one Party in the territory of the other by virtue of this Agreement shall be payable outside the territory of either Party.
Unless this Agreement otherwise provides, an invalidity benefit, an old age benefit, a survivor’s benefit, a children’s benefit or a death benefit acquired by virtue of the legislation of either Party shall not be subject to any reduction, modification, suspension, abolition or confiscation by reason only of the fact that the beneficiary resides in the territory of the other Party, and shall be payable in the territory of the other Party.
Any exemption from, or reduction of charges provided for in the legislation of one Party in connection with the issue of any certificate or document required to be produced for the purposes of that legislation, shall be extended to certificates and documents required to be produced for the purposes of the legislation of the other Party.
Any claim, notice or appeal which should, for the purposes of the legislation of one Party, have been presented within a prescribed period to a competent authority of that Party or an institution (of that Party) responsible for the application of this Agreement, but which is in fact presented within the same period to the corresponding authority or institution of the other Party, shall be treated as if it had been presented to the authority or institution of the former Party. In such cases, the authority or institution of the latter Party shall, as soon as possible, arrange for the claim, notice or appeal to be sent to the authority or institution of the former Party.
The competent authorities of both Parties shall resolve, to the extent possible, any difficulties which arise in applying this Agreement, according to the spirit and fundamental principles of the Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE in duplicate in English, French and Italian, the three texts being equally authoritative.
DONE at Toronto this 17th day of November 1977.
For the Government of CANADA
Pierre E. Trudeau
Monique Bégin
For the Government of Italy
Giulio Andreotti
Giorgio Smoquino