Effective IT Mission Statements to Drive Growth

Mission statements are formal summaries of the values and aims of an organization, company or individual. Therefore, an IT mission statement provide a short albeit powerful description of the company’s purpose and operation method.

The mission statement is a guide that outlines what, how and by whom an IT company works. IT mission statements serve as the company’s motive force. They explain the reason for its existence and what they want to achieve as a company.

The statement gives a firm direction to the members. It is the first line of communication between the members and the external world. In short, it is a company’s life force as it looks after its interests, services and the goals of its members at all times.

It portrays the image of the company in the eye of a new member or user.

Effective IT Mission Statements to Drive Growth

Characteristics of an Effective IT Mission Statement

An effective IT mission statement has a few typical characteristics.

Identifies the Business Mission

IT mission statements must first and foremost identify the mission of the business. The statement should provide an answer to what the company intends to achieve.

Indicates the Need for the IT Service

The business statement of your IT business must outline the needs for the service you’re offering.

Indicates the Benefits of the IT Service to the Users

Without a compelling, clear, and well-communicated IT mission, customers can lose confidence in their IT service provider and, therefore, the business.

Customers will often switch to providers that are seen to provide a better service and, worse, switch providers entirely. This will also happen to the customer if you fail to design the entire IT system correctly from the start. Your customers want to be able to discern how the implementation of your IT mission statement will help them achieve their company’s goals.

There are instances in which the IT mission statement will be inserted into the company’s voice, marketing materials, and advertising. This assists the business in establishing its credibility.


A mission statement is a written document that gives a clear description of a company’s business mission. Without a concise description of the company’s intended business mission, it may be difficult to communicate consistently and appropriately with employees, partners, and customers.

IT mission statements are said to be crucial in sustaining a company’s IT spending in a sound manner. At the very least, IT managers know that they should write a mission statement.